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Riding in the heat

Darcy Grimes | Published on 6/16/2024

For those of you who know me… I melt in the heat. Like melt. I’ve broken out in hives, got goosebumps at the start line of races, sat on the side of a trail during races almost passing out, and have had heat exhaustion more times than I can count. I don’t do well and I never have. Give me a snowy day in the 30s and I’ll take it! But the heat, no way! I guess that’s why I race cyclocross. I love the muddy, rainy, cold conditions. However, living in the south and mountain bike racing in the Spring and Summer, there’s no way around the heat. So, if you are like me and hate the heat but are stuck riding and racing in the heat, and have already tried all the “normal tips” of hydration and heat acclimation, I have a secret for you: panty hose and ice!

I know what you are thinking. Panty hose? I thought the same thing too when fellow Sorella teammate Natalie told me. But OMG she’s right and it is life changing! All you have to do is buy some panty hose and get some ice. Cut the panty hose legs off (or you could be real cool and buy some knee highs), then fill it with ice. Next, stuff them in your jersey. I like to put one in the front, one in the back up high (you can also tie it to your sports bra so it doesn’t move) and then a couple in my jersey pockets. The ice pouch in the front of your jersey is nice because you can easily put your wrists on them for extra cooldown. (The pulse point in your wrist allows your body to cool down faster.) The jersey pockets are nice because they are easily removable. If you need to grab one to wipe your face it’s easy to remove and put back. You might be thinking though “Doesn’t it melt and make your jersey wet?” The answer is yes. 100% yes! And I’ll take that over the heat ten times over!

So, this summer when you want to beat the heat on a ride or race… don’t forget to pick up some panty hose! Believe me, it works and you’ll thank thank me!