I had an Incredible experience with the RPI (Rebecca’s Private Idaho) Challenge this past 8 weeks. This year was the 8th year and due to COVID, had a virtual setup. The whole experience included Training Peaks training plans, members only weekly Science and Stoke Zoom meetings, and expert nutrition advice from Namrite Brook and other expert guests with Rebecca Rusch was motivating. The training plans went along with your choice of challenge. There was the Queen’s Stage race: a three day stage race that culminated with a 102 gravel ride. The Baked Potato, a 192 mile option, the French Fry, 56 miles, and the Tater Tot, 26 miles. Each ride option also had a specific amount of elevation. When designing our course to race it needed to meet these specific requirements as well as be at least half gravel. The French Fry, 56 miles and 4309 feet of climbing, was out of my comfort zone and something I really wanted to obtain but would require all the things offered to me in the experience to complete.