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HomeEventsWednesday Night Stone Mountain Road Ride

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Wednesday Night Stone Mountain Road Ride

Date and Time

Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 6:30 PM until 8:00 PM


Stone Mountain Park, West Gate Walk-up parking lot
Robert E Lee Blvd,
Stone Mountain, GA  30083

Event Contact(s)

Pilar Hernandez



Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

Starting from the West Gate parking lot at Stone Mountain, we ride combinations of the 5-mile inner park loop and the 7-mile outer park loop roads for a total distance of around 20 miles. The pace is around 12-14 mph. Rolling flat to gentle climbing terrain. This ride is beginner friendly and there are very few turns so you can't get lost. The traffic is light, and the road is well lit, but you must have lights (a req't of the park). This ride is open to Sorellas, and fellas who are comfortable riding at Sorella pace.