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Fools Gold 38 Mountain Bike Race 2020

Amanda Hunt

Amanda Hunt at Fools Gold 2020
The morning of September 12th was warm, muggy and rainy. The rain stopped in time to get ready and warm up for the start without getting soaked. All the ladies in the 38 mile took off together. We raced the road and gravel section together in a group. We would trade off leaders every now and again while having good conversation. When we hit the single track that is when the race began. I dropped into second after the first big climb and descent. Climbing Bear Hare was lonesome and foggy. I somewhat enjoyed this. As I approached the more technical sections I was met by a few other racers. It got to the point where I had to hop off and run a section of the rooty climb. I hopped back on and made it to the top right as the downpour started. Descending Bull Mountain in the rain was exhilarating. I was enjoying every second of it. There was a gentleman behind me that was hooting and hollering as we were going over the jump sections.

Amanda Hunt at Fools Gold 2020
The rain began to come down harder as I approached the Jake Mountain side. My husband had caught up to me by this point. Descending this was like riding through a creek. It was a constant battle with wearing glasses and not wearing them. As I would descend I would put them on since mud was getting in my eyes. When the climbing came I would take them off as it was pouring and also muggy so the fog factor was high as you could imagine with these conditions. I had found some energy in the last few miles and the remaining two went by quickly. I was happy to be riding behind my husband still. The rain had stopped as we came out of the woods and hit the gravel for the finish. We rode this part like there was Moe’s waiting for us at the end. We turned off of the road and on to the trail to the finish. The rain had made a huge puddle of mud that I hit so fast I went skating through it with my tail end whipping back and forth. I crossed the last creek and headed up the grass finish holding my husband's hand. Racing on home trails, the atmosphere that surrounds Mountain Goat Adventure events, the competition, and the fact that this is where my husband and I really connected, is the reason this is one of my all time favorite races. We keep coming back year after year.